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(NSF Award No. 0817596)

Two new blocks and demonstrations have been prepared.  The first of these new blocks and demonstrations has been created to demonstrate an impairment inherent to achieving efficient high-power operation in a power amplifier.  This demonstration is geared towards wireless applications, though it is equally relevant to both wireless and wireline communications.  The demonstration illustrates the effect of an amplifier's variable gain when it operates in its gain compression region, where clipping occurs but high efficiency is attained.  The demonstration was presented at an ASEE conference and has been documented, and a training video has been prepared here.

JDSP Clipping Demo 
Figure 1. JDSP Demonstration of RF Amplifier Clipping and Gain Compression

The second demonstration simulates the correction of amplifier distortion utilizing the gain-based look-up-table predistortion algorithm developed by James Cavers [1].  In this algorithm, a local receiver is used to measure the output transmitted from the power amplifier.  This output is then aligned, and compared to the point the baseband DSP desired to transmit.  Where it is not the desired point, a set of complex gain correction factors is developed.

Typical Digital Predistortion System 
Figure 2. Typical Digital Predistortion Topology.

The digital predistortion algorithm assumes that the amplifier gain compression is strictly a function of the amplifier's input signal power.  The algorithm groups input power into bins of a specific range.  These bins are allocated based linearly on input power.  When a point for a given bin is driven by the DSP, the value from the PA output measured by the receiver is compared to the driven value.  A least-mean-squares algorithm is used to determine the required correction factor.  This correction factor is then applied at the output of the DSP to distort the signal prior to the amplifier (or pre-distort) it, such that when the amplifier introduces its distortion the gain achieves the desired value.  As the amplifier has a gain compressive characteristic for increasing input powers, the predistorter typically has a gain-expansive characteristic.  A J-DSP demonstration of this was prepared and demonstrated at ASEE.  A video tutorial of the demonstration is available here.

JDSP Predistortion Demo 
Figure 3. J-DSP Digital Predistortion Demonstration

J-DSP Executable:

Click here to access the Power Amplifier JDSP demonstration platform. (EEE407,EEE455)


A. Spanias, R. Santucci, T. Gupta, M. Shah, "Advanced Functions of Java-DSP For Use in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering Courses", Proceedings of ASEE, June 2010.

Related Publications:

Santucci, R., Spanias, A., "A Block Adaptive Predistortion Algorithm for Transceivers with Long Transmit-Receive Latency," Communications, Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP), 2010 4th International Symposium on, pp.1-6, 3-5 March 2010.


Click here for the Power Point slides for ASEE 2010 presentation.
Click here for the Power Point slides for the EEE407 JDSP PA presentation
Click here for the Power Point slides for the EEE455 JDSP PA presentation

Video Tutorials:

J-DSP Amplifier Clipping Video Tutorial (9MByte WMV file)
J-DSP Digital Predistortion Video Tutorial (6MByte WMV file)
ASEE2011 Presentation (PowerPoint 2007)

This work is sponsored by the NSF Phase 3 grant award 0817596 (DWS 0380).


[1] Cavers, J.K., "Amplifier linearization using a digital predistorter with fast adaptation and low memory requirements," Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on , vol.39, no.4, pp.374-382, Nov 1990.

J-DSP Editor Design & Development by:
Multidisciplinary Initiative on Distance Learning Technologies
J-DSP and On-line Laboratory Concepts by Prof. Andreas Spanias. For further information contact spanias@asu.edu

Department of Electrical Engineering - Multidisciplinary Initiative on Distance Learning - ASU
Page maintained by A. Spanias. Project Sponsored by NSF and ASU
All material Copyright (c) 1997-2010 Arizona Board of Regents