Awards |
Awards |
June 2023: J-DSP implementation of quantum Fourier transforms for signal analysis-synthesis wins top 3% conference paper rating at the IEEE 2023 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP).

2012: NEEDS Premier Award for iJDSP - Outstanding Engineering Courseware
iJDSP software, developed at the ASU Java-DSP Laboratory, has been
selected as the premium courseware for 2012, and will be awarded at the
Frontiers in Education Conference to be held on Oct 3-6 2012, in
Seattle, WA. The Premier Award is sponsored by John Wiley & Sons,
Microsoft Research, Mathworks, and TechSmith.

2007: Team Award: For developing the outstanding non-commercial
software J-DSP for Education and Research.
On Saturday, February 10th 2007, the ASU Java-DSP
laboratory was recognized by the IEEE Phoenix section with a team
award for developing the outstanding non-commercial software J-DSP
for education and research.
Oct 2003:
J-DSP voted as one of the top three learning resources for 2003.
The National Engineering Education Delivery System
(NEEDS) holds an annual competition to recognize high-quality,
non-commercial courseware designed to enhance engineering education.
This competition is co-sponsored by John Wiley and Sons Inc., The
Mathworks Inc, and Microsoft Corporation. Sixteen multimedia
courseware packages were nominated this year to the NEEDS evaluation
panel and three were selected for national dissemination. Java-DSP
(J-DSP), an ASU educational software package that enables on-line
computer laboratories in Digital Signal Processing (DSP), was voted as
one of the top three learning resources for the year 2003 in the NEEDS
competition. The NSF-funded J-DSP package will be recognized at the
2003 IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference in Boulder,
Colorado. Furthermore, the NEEDS will feature J-DSP in its digital
library of engineering learning resources and will disseminate the ASU
Java software to all FIE attendees and to engineering school
Deans. J-DSP is sponsored by NSF CCLI-EMD 0089075.
Feb 2003: J-DSP
received an award by the
IEEE, Phoenix section.
