The ASU iJDSP app has been selected by the NEEDS panel as the Premier
Award winner for 2012. The ASU development group will be
recognized at the IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference to be
held on Oct 3-6, in Seattle, WA. The Premier Award is sponsored
by John Wiley & Sons, Microsoft Research,and TechSmith.
"iJDSP is a mobile app that enables simulation and visualization of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) concepts and algorithms. iJDSP provides an intuitive multi-touch user interface; DSP simulations can be established as a block diagram using a simple touch-n-drop procedure. iJDSP has a rich suite of signal processing functions including signal generators, digital filters, pole-zero and frequency response computation, FIR and IIR filter design algorithms, FFT, plot functions, a sound recorder/player, and many others. Through ready access on mobile devices, students can readily solve “what-if” problems in-class or in their study environment. Inherent access to mobile device I/O mechanisms like microphones and speakers allow students to tie mathematical concepts to physical phenomenon."