
NSF Phase 3 J-DSP Workshop at UCy Campus, July 18, 2013
Sponsored in part by NSF Phase 3 TUES Grant 0817596

A workshop on introducing J-DSP, A-JDSP and i-JDSP was conducted at the University of Cyprus on July 18, 2013. [Photo Gallery]
This workshop exposed participants to the utility of the Java-DSP (J-DSP), Android J-DSP (AJDSP) and iOS J-DSP (AJDSP) software applications in education and research in areas such as audio signal processing and health monitoring. The current status of the research being conducted using these applications, as well as updates on NSF-funded REU and REV programs were also given. Please email sensip@asu.edu for more details.
1. Overview of the Java-DSP Project. (slides) |
2. J-DSP in Education. (slides) |
3. AJDSP Interfaces for Real-time Sensing and Physiological Monitoring. (slides) |
4. iJDSP - Interactive Illustrations of Speech/Audio Processing Concepts. (slides) |
5. REU/REV Update. (slides) |
08:00 AM
Introductions: Prof. C. Pattichis
08:15 AM
Status of J-DSP Project: Prof. A. Spanias
08:30 AM |
A-DSP and i-JDSP in Education: Dr. M. Banavar via Skype
08:45 AM, |
Sensors and Android J-DSP for Health monitoring research: D. Rajan via Skype
09:15 AM
Audio functions on iOS iJDSP for research: G. Kalyanasundaram via Skype
09:40 AM
Update of UCy J-DSP activities: C. Loizou and C. Pattichis
09:50 AM
Status REU and REV activities: P. Curtis and V. Weber via Skype
10:15 AM |
Closing remarks: Prof. A. Spanias |
List of Attendees:
Prof. Costas Pattichis, UCy, Cyprus |
Prof. Christos Loizou, CUT, Cyprus |
Prof. Andreas Spanias, ASU |
Prof. Marios Pattichis, UNM |
Dr. Andreas Panayides, Imperial College, UK |
Dr. Mahesh Banavar, ASU |
Maria Savva, City University, UK |
Alexandros Panayiotou, UCy |
Kyriacos Neophytou, UCy |
Paul Curtis, ASU |
Deepta Rajan, ASU |
Vitor Weber, ASU |
Girish Kalyanasundaram, ASU |
Sai Zhang, ASU |
The event is co-sponsored by NSF
(Award No. 0817596) and the SenSIP Center, Arizona State University. |