Instructions for downloading and installing Java 3D API


Step 1)             First, make sure that you have Internet Explorer in your computer. Open your Internet Explorer and go to the “Tool/Internet Options…”. Click on the “Advanced” page as shown in Fig. 1.


Fig. 1 Internet Options in Internet Explorer


In this dialog window, you will see a tag named “Java (Sun)” right on top of the “Microsoft VM”. Make sure the option under this “Java (Sun)” tag is checked and it should show the version 1.3.1 or later. If it shows some older version, un-install it from the Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel and install a newer version by following step 2.


Note:   Follow instructions in step 2 only in the case when you have an older version or the “Java (Sun)” tag doesn’t show at all in the Fig. 1 window, otherwise skip step 2 and go to step 3.


Step 2)             Go the link.

Click on the Download box in the right column, where it says "Download J2SE v.1.3.1_06".

Now click on the first option under JRE in front of the "Windows (U.S English only)".

On the next page, accept the terms and conditions by clicking on the [ACCEPT] button.

Click on the "Download j2re-1_3_1_06-windows-i586.exe". The file size is approximately 5.5 MB.

Save the file in your local hard drive and install the JRE runtime. This will install the JRE runtime in your hard drive's program files directory.


Step 3)             Now go to the Control Panel and double click on the “Java Plug-in” icon as shown in the Fig. 2. Make sure on the “Basic” page, the option “Enable Java Plug-in” is checked and in the “Browser” page, Microsoft Internet Explorer is checked. Fig. 2 shows the “Advanced” page options. If in the “Java Runtime Environment” path it shows the “Use Java Pug-in Default”, change it to the one that contains C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.1 or similar and this is the directory where you will install the Java 3D API.


Fig. 2 Java Plug-in


Step 4)             Go to the link listed below,


Step 5)             Select the first option (for windows users) from the drop down menu as shown in the Fig. 3 below, and then click on the continue button.


Fig. 3 Downloading Java 3D API


Step 6)             Next page will show the “Terms and conditions”, press [ACCEPT] button.


Step 7)             Download the software using one of the provided options and save the application at any location on your local hard drive. File size is 4.19 MB.


Step 8)             During installation, it will ask you the location of the “Destination Folder”. Most likely, it shows the path similar to the ones listed below,

C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.1


C:\Program Files\Java\JRE1.4.0

Step 9)             Don’t change the path if it detects your JRE directory (version 1.3.1 or later) and press [Next] button.


Step 10)           When the installation is complete, you can double check by going into the directory path as shown in the step 8, then go to lib\ext directory, there you will find a number of j3d files of type .jar, which verifies the successful installation.

Step 11)           Now go to the 2D J-DSP link and when you click on the [Start] button, 2D J-DSP editor should open without any error message.