A standalone application for
J-DSP/Earth Systems Edition (J-DSP/ESE) has been created for use by
earth scientists to process and interpret Earth system signals. The new
family of functions created for earth data relating to applications in
geology, exploration, sustainability, hazards, and environmental
assessment are bundled in our new J-DSP/ESE application. The functions
are focused on representing earth systems data in an intuitive manner,
and allowing students to experiment with different functions by taking
advantage of the powerful visual programming environment of J-DSP. This
new system is useful in earth systems related courses where students
and practitioners can use J-DSP/ESE to analyze data and extract
information that relates data to events, processes and other dynamical
Initial Software Version: The initial beta version of the Java-DSP Earth Systems Edition (JDSP/ESE) application is available here
for download. To execute the application, you may need to right-click
the application and run it using the Java runtime engine (JRE), which
can be downloaded from here. Note that for Apple Mac systems, the JRE is bundled with the operating system itself. Please read the disclaimer before using the application.
Note that if you are using a Mac system, you need to use Mac+Delete key
for deleting the blocks instead of Delete key in Windows/Linux.
Please note that the software is still a beta version
and hence could contain bugs. Please report any bugs that you find to
Dr. Andreas Spanias (spanias@asu.edu).
Functions Developed: The
functions available in the J-DSP/ESE application are signal generator,
Earth signals library, Earth signals read and write, FFT/IFFT, taper,
junction, arithmetic functions (Math), zero pad, plot, prepare data,
trend fit, depth-time transformation, interpolation, filter,
periodogram, spectrogram and coherency.