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Workshop:  Speech and Audio Analysis Simulations on the iOS Platform for Research and Education

GWC 487, Sep 19 and Sep 20, 2013 - Arizona State University

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A J-DSP Phase 3 training and assessment workshop is being organized.  The purpose of the workshop is to train students, teaching assistants, and faculty to use the new speech and audio analysis functions on iOS devices. The workshop will take place at the Arizona State University Goldwater Center (room GWC 487). Two sessions of the workshop will be held.

Participants can attend any one of the following two sessions. 
Session 1: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM (room GWC 487) on Sep 19, 2013
Session 2:  3:00 PM to 5:00 PM (room GWC 487) on Sep 20, 2013

Participants will be provided with iPads and documentation that will assist them in performing the several simulations. Refreshments will be provided for all participants.

The participants of this workshop will be exposed to key speech and audio processing concepts through the award winning mobile app iJDSP. The session will be interactive and participants will be trained to use the functions and then assess the software by performing step-by-step simulations using iJDSP. The workshop will be useful to instructors, students and practitioners with interests in DSP, signal analysis for speech and music courses, and other engineering applications.



Introduction to iJDSP: Prof. Andreas Spanias

Speech and Audio Processing Functions: Girish Kalyanasundaram
  Hands-on workshop with iPads

Closing remarks




Registration ($95) for the workshop is required. Please email sensip@asu.edu for more details.



The objectives are:
    - to learn how to use iJDSP. Documentation and instruction will be given to get participants started.
    - to learn the fundamentals of the spectrogram as a time-frequency analysis tool.
    - to understand the Linear Predictive Coding technique, its underlying motivation and properties.
    - to study Line Spectrum Pairs and their properties.
    - to learn about perceptual loudness.
    - to enable participants to design their own iJDSP simulations.


The workshop is intended for students, faculty and instructors in Electrical Engineering, Speech and Hearing Sciences and Computer Science. Students and faculty from other engineering departments interested in signal and data analysis are also welcome to participate.

Expected Outcome:

Participants will be able to use the iJDSP software and laboratories, design their own DSP based simulations.

Participants will have gained knowledge of specific speech and audio DSP concepts instructed through the workshop.

Participants will be able to plan adaptation of the software and materials to their own needs.



Prof. Andreas Spanias, Arizona State University
Dr. Mahesh Banavar, Arizona State University
Girish Kalyanasundaram, Arizona State University



The event is co-sponsored bythe NSF Phase 3 grant award 0817596 (DWS 0379) and the SenSIP Center, Arizona State University.


J-DSP Editor Design & Development by:
Multidisciplinary Initiative on Distance Learning Technologies
J-DSP and On-line Laboratory Concepts by Prof. Andreas Spanias. For further information contact spanias@asu.edu

School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering - Multidisciplinary Initiative on Distance Learning - ASU
Page maintained by A. Spanias. Project Sponsored by NSF and ASU
All material Copyright (c) Arizona Board of Regents