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Demonstration of Mobile Signal Processing and Health Monitoring Applications in FSE 100 using Android JDSP (AJDSP)

Tempe, November, 2013

NSF AJDSP and RET Program

JDSP logo


The objective of this laboratory exercise is to provide hands-on experiences with AJDSP, a DSP simulation application built for the Android platform. The exercise problems are directed towards providing a basic understanding of signals and the role of DSP in mobile health monitoring. Signals such as Speech, Video, Accelerometer, Photoplethysmogram (PPG), and Electrocardiogram (ECG) are introduced.

NSF J-DSP and RET Project Team: Deepta Rajan, SenSIP.

FSE100 Instructor: Prof. Jim Middleton, IAFSE Engineering Education.

Advisor and Principal Investigator: Prof. Andreas Spanias.


Workshop Exercises:

The students in the FSE 100 class were first given a brief introduction to signal processing with some examples [Slides]. The class was then divided into eight groups with 4 students in each group. The exercises were performed by the student groups in FSE 100 class from ASU [Exercise]. The duration of the entire activity was approximately one and a half hour. 

The exercises were performed using the Android-based AJDSP app. Four Android signal processing exercises were given to the FSE 100 students: 
    - Overview of ECG signals: Normal and abnormal ECG signals are visualized using the Biosignal Generator block. A brief overview of the various signal characteristics in relation to bio-physical conditions are provided; 
    - Speech Signal Processing: Design a band-stop filter to remove a noise signal from the input speech signal using the frame-by-frame processing feature of AJDSP;
    - Accelerometer and Step Counter: Introducing the Accelerometer, Data Acquisition and Step Counting;
    - Photoplethysmogram (PPG): Demonstrate and perform a heart-rate monitor using the camera on the mobile device (PPG). 

Each AJDSP exercise was approximately fifteen minutes long. Details on the demonstrations, and previous work with in-class implementations at the undergraduate level can be seen in [1]. 



[1] D. Rajan, A. Spanias, S. Ranganath, M. Banavar, P. Spanias, "Health monitoring laboratories by interfacing physiological sensors to mobile Android devices", In Proc. IEEE FIE 2013.





Prof. Jim Middleton, IAFSE Engineering Education, Arizona State University
Deepta Rajan, SenSIP, Arizona State University
Prof. Andreas Spanias, SenSIP center, ECEE, Arizona State University



AJDSP used for Signal Processing and Health Monitoring



The event is co-sponsored by NSF (Award No. 0817596) and the SenSIP Center, Arizona State University. Also supported by a SenSIP/NCSS Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) I/UCRC supplement.

J-DSP Editor Design & Development by:
Multidisciplinary Initiative on Distance Learning Technologies
J-DSP and On-line Laboratory Concepts by Prof. Andreas Spanias. For further information contact spanias@asu.edu

School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering - Multidisciplinary Initiative on Distance Learning - ASU
Page maintained by A. Spanias. Project Sponsored by NSF and ASU
All material Copyright (c) Arizona Board of Regents